Do it like Zac!


If you happen to hear the name of Zac Efron, for some time everybody starts thinking about a sporty young idol of brimming good health. But it was not always the case. It took years of hard work for the starboy having achieved fame with the High School Musical movies to reach his dream figure. Would you also like to get to know the secret of Zac? Today I will shed a light on the most important details.

At present Zac Efron is already a real wellness activist, for whom one of the most important priorities is his own health. He even launched his own YouTube channel entitled Gym Time. In his series he trained together with other celebrities and famous sportsmen to try their strength, concentration and ability for team work. His fans could first gaze at his extraordinary physique in Baywatch, although that was only the beginning. Similary to every successful lifestyle change his success is built upon to major pillars: the right nutrition and the right amount of exercise.

As for his diet, he insists on food of natural origin rich in protein, whole grain, healthy fats, fruits of high fiber content (apple, pear and berries) and vegetables. In his new Netflix series even as per his own confession he is eating carbohydrates for the first time in years, so everything proves that he has been on a heavy diet for quite some time to preserve his jacked physique. His body has got used to healthy food, as he notes: "after a while you do not even long for fast food, your taste changes". As per Zac your way of thinking can change even after 2-3 weeks and if you succeed in this, you can forever say goodbye to pasta and burgers. "Once you will find that OMG I am longing for kale ith beet and sweet potatoes!" As per his new year resolution this year he already starts every day with a big glass of smoothie and he also makes himself sweat every day.

And how does our hero exercise? Well, he combines more types of movement, among others he loves skiing and surfing. His YouTube channel called Gym Time also kept him in motion. Before starting his role in Baywatch he trained in a gym every day, one day focusing on his back and biceps, the other on his legs, while the third on his shoulders, breast and arms. And each day he trained a bit on his abs as well. His personal trainer, Patrick Murphy confessed that the power of his exercise lies in supersets - there is no rest between the exercises, so that his body could burn as many calories as possible. The master was helping Zac for 10 weeks so that he could lose even the last unnecessary pound and achieve his best shape ever. They were working together 5-6 days every week, often even twice a day, combining the gym exercises with swimming and running, strictly sticking to the "most dynamic training programme ever seen". Zac is still looking at preserving his own health as one of the most important goals of his life. It shows that Zac is a real polyhistor, who wears several hats not only on the movie screen, but also in the world of sports.

Would you also like to achieve the same top shape as Zac? Start exercising already today! It's never too lat for you either to become who you might have been!

Friendly regards,

Károly Vizdák

lifestyle change & career coach

motivational advisor

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