Online coaching: quality experience in a brand new world
Have you ever attended an online coaching session? What kind of experiences did you collect? Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic in the beginning of last year, as coaches almost all of us have already tasted the beauties and challenges of this new world. Without any prejudice, I really like this form of working together with the client. Why is an online coaching session great? I will share my related experiences with you today.
A few years ago online coaching only seemed like a far away option to most of us, but today it is already a natural part of the lives of all. Why is it useful to work together with the client in this format? Let's see:
1. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TRAVEL ANYWHERE - It is enough to turn on your laptops and connect in a timeslot suitable for both of you. As per your individual wish you can use Skype, Zoom or any other reliable videoconference systems. Online coaching spares money and time for both of you.
2. YOU CAN SAVE EACH OTHER FROM A POTENTIAL INFECTION - Spending together 60-90 minutes in a closed space is not the safest thing nowadays, especially if you are not yet vaccinated. Thanks to connecting online however the risk of infection decreases.
3. THE SAME COACHING QUALITY CAN BE ACHIEVED AS IN AN OFFLINE SPACE - If you see each other's faces while working together and you have a good quality connection, you can work together as efficiently as if you had held the session within the frames of an in-person meeting.
4. YOU CAN WORK FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOMES - There are clients who would feel uncomfortable if you had sut in a small rented room or a public café. Contrary to these, online coaching provides opportunity for working together in a cosy atmosphere, efficiently from home, leaving the world behind.
5. YOU CAN WELCOME CLIENTS FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD - With the spread of online coaching your world will expand. You can have a conversation with your clients not only in your own town, meeting in person, but you can also connect with someone from a far away country, you just need to speak a common language.
6. IF YOU HAVE A GREAT MARKETING, YOU CAN WIN CLIENTS ONLINE EASILY - Find your target audience and use the forms of advertisement tailored for their needs. The better you indentify your potential clients and the more you speak their language, the better chances you will have to find each other.
7. IF YOU HAVE POSITIVE ONLINE COACHING EXPERIENCES FROM EARLIER, YOU CAN BECOME ATTRACTIVE FOR POTENTIAL CLIENTS - If you have been working in the online space for a while and you have also recieved recommendations from your previous clients, make them visible on your social media sites! This way your services can become even more attractive to new clients and more people will find you.
8. IF YOUR CLIENT PREFERS WRITTEN COMMUNICATION, THEN - your common work format will be e-coaching. You do not have to talk orally at all, you can work together in an e-mail, chat type of format - and most probably you will tune in on each other better than if you had had an oral conversation.
As you can see, online coaching has many advantages. We must not forget about challenges, either: good quality internet connection is important, external noises (e.g. couriers or working in the garden) can be disturbing, it is not always easy for the client and the coach to tune in on each other, if there are other family members or pets at home as well. Based on my own experiences however in the current situation online coaching is an excellent solution, if we want to hold safe, comfortable, quality sessions. Whether in the upcoming years this form of common work will strive for monopoly or it will be only a temporary leading solution for the era of the pandemic, is still a question of time.
If you also wish to try online coaching as a client, do not hesitate to get in touch with me, I am happy to work together with you so that we could reach your goals together!
Friendly regards,
Károly Vizdák
lifestyle change & careercoach
motivational advisor
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